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Routing number 267080355
Member Accounts

Rate Schedule

All rates are subject to change without notice. You can contact us for the most current information regarding rates.

Effective Date: 12/1/2024

Savings Rates

Minimum Opening DepositMinimum to Earn DividendsAnnual Percentage Yield (APY)Dividend RateRate Fixed/VariableDividends Compounded Paid
Membership Savings Account*
Minimum Opening Deposit: $5.00
Minimum to Earn Dividends: $50.00
Annual Percentage Yield (APY): 0.10%
Dividend Rate: 0.10%
Rate Fixed/Variable: Varies
Dividends Compounded Paid: Monthly
Club Account
Minimum Opening Deposit: $5.00
Minimum to Earn Dividends: $50.00
Annual Percentage Yield (APY): 0.10%
Dividend Rate: 0.10%
Rate Fixed/Variable: Varies
Dividends Compounded Paid: Monthly
IRA Savings
Minimum Opening Deposit: $1.00
Minimum to Earn Dividends: $1.00
Annual Percentage Yield (APY): 0.25%
Dividend Rate: 0.25%
Rate Fixed/Variable: Varies
Dividends Compounded Paid: Monthly
Money Market-2.5K
Minimum Opening Deposit: 0
Minimum to Earn Dividends: $2,500
Annual Percentage Yield (APY): 0.25%
Dividend Rate: 0.25%
Rate Fixed/Variable: Varies
Dividends Compounded Paid: Monthly
Money Market-10K
Minimum Opening Deposit: 0
Minimum to Earn Dividends: $10,000
Annual Percentage Yield (APY): 0.35%
Dividend Rate: 0.35%
Rate Fixed/Variable: Varies
Dividends Compounded Paid: Monthly
Money Market-25K
Minimum Opening Deposit: 0
Minimum to Earn Dividends: $25,000
Annual Percentage Yield (APY): 0.45%
Dividend Rate: 0.45%
Rate Fixed/Variable: Varies
Dividends Compounded Paid: Monthly
Money Market-50K
Minimum Opening Deposit: 0
Minimum to Earn Dividends: $50,000
Annual Percentage Yield (APY): 0.75%
Dividend Rate: 0.75%
Rate Fixed/Variable: Varies
Dividends Compounded Paid: Monthly
Money Market-100K
Minimum Opening Deposit: 0
Minimum to Earn Dividends: $100,000
Annual Percentage Yield (APY): 0.75%
Dividend Rate: 0.75%
Rate Fixed/Variable: Varies
Dividends Compounded Paid: Monthly
Money Market-200K
Minimum Opening Deposit: 0
Minimum to Earn Dividends: $200,000
Annual Percentage Yield (APY): 0.75%
Dividend Rate: 0.75%
Rate Fixed/Variable: Varies
Dividends Compounded Paid: Monthly
Checking Account
Minimum Opening Deposit: $25.00
Minimum to Earn Dividends: N/A
Annual Percentage Yield (APY):
Dividend Rate:
Rate Fixed/Variable:
Dividends Compounded Paid:

Restart Checking Account

Minimum Opening Deposit: $25.00
Minimum to Earn Dividends: N/A
Annual Percentage Yield (APY):
Dividend Rate:
Rate Fixed/Variable:
Dividends Compounded Paid:
Business Checking Account
Minimum Opening Deposit: $100.00
Minimum to Earn Dividends: N/A
Annual Percentage Yield (APY):
Dividend Rate:
Rate Fixed/Variable:
Dividends Compounded Paid:
* All Members must have a Membership Savings account and maintain a minimum of $5 in this account to maintain their Membership in the Credit Union.

Certificates and IRA Certificates

TypeMinimum to Earn DividendsAnnual Percentage Yield (APY)Dividend RateRate Fixed/VariableDividends Compounded Paid
Type: 3-Month
Minimum to Earn Dividends: $10,000
Annual Percentage Yield (APY): 0.50%
Dividend Rate: 0.50%
Rate Fixed/Variable: Fixed
Dividends Compounded Paid: Monthly
Type: 6-Month
Minimum to Earn Dividends: $500
Annual Percentage Yield (APY):


Dividend Rate:


Rate Fixed/Variable: Fixed
Dividends Compounded Paid: Monthly
Type: 12-Month
Minimum to Earn Dividends: $500
Annual Percentage Yield (APY): 1.51%
Dividend Rate: 1.50%
Rate Fixed/Variable: Fixed
Dividends Compounded Paid: Monthly
Type: 18-Month
Minimum to Earn Dividends: $500
Annual Percentage Yield (APY): 2.02%
Dividend Rate: 2.00%
Rate Fixed/Variable: Fixed
Dividends Compounded Paid: Monthly
Type: 24-Month
Minimum to Earn Dividends: $500
Annual Percentage Yield (APY): 2.53%
Dividend Rate: 2.50%
Rate Fixed/Variable: Fixed
Dividends Compounded Paid: Monthly
Type: 36-Month
Minimum to Earn Dividends: $500
Annual Percentage Yield (APY): 2.53%
Dividend Rate: 2.50%
Rate Fixed/Variable: Fixed
Dividends Compounded Paid: Monthly
Type: 60-Month
Minimum to Earn Dividends: $500
Annual Percentage Yield (APY): 2.53%
Dividend Rate: 2.50%
Rate Fixed/Variable: Fixed
Dividends Compounded Paid: Monthly

Jumbo Certificates

TypeMinimum Deposit/ BalanceMinimum to Earn DividendsAnnual Percentage Yield (APY)Dividend RateRate Fixed/VariableDividends Compounded Paid
Type: 6-Month
Minimum Deposit/ Balance: $50,000
Minimum to Earn Dividends: $50,000
Annual Percentage Yield (APY):


Dividend Rate:


Rate Fixed/Variable: Fixed
Dividends Compounded Paid: Monthly
Type: 12-Month
Minimum Deposit/ Balance: $50,000
Minimum to Earn Dividends: $50,000
Annual Percentage Yield (APY): 1.51%
Dividend Rate: 1.50%
Rate Fixed/Variable: Fixed
Dividends Compounded Paid: Monthly

Golden Eagle Certificates

TypeMinimum Deposit/ BalanceMinimum to Earn DividendsAnnual Percentage Yield (APY)Dividend RateRate Fixed/VariableDividends Compounded Paid
Type: 6-Month
Minimum Deposit/ Balance: $5,000
Minimum to Earn Dividends: $5,000
Annual Percentage Yield (APY):


Dividend Rate:


Rate Fixed/Variable: Fixed
Dividends Compounded Paid: Monthly
Type: 12-Month
Minimum Deposit/ Balance: $5,000
Minimum to Earn Dividends: $5,000
Annual Percentage Yield (APY): 1.51%
Dividend Rate: 1.50%
Rate Fixed/Variable: Fixed
Dividends Compounded Paid: Monthly
  • Rate Information:

    The Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is a percentage rate that reflects the total amount of dividends to be paid on an account based on the Dividend Rate and frequency of compounding for an annual period. Fees or other conditions may reduce earnings.

    The Dividend Rate and Annual Percentage Yield for the account(s) that are variable rate may change at any time as determined by the Credit Union Board of Directors.

    The Dividend Rate and Annual Percentage Yield for Certificate Accounts are fixed and will be in effect for the current term of the account. The Annual Percentage Yield is based on an assumption that dividends will remain in the account until maturity. A withdrawal will reduce earnings.

  • Compounding and Crediting:

    Unless otherwise stated paid dividends will be compounded and credited to your account monthly.

  • Minimum Balance Requirements:

    The minimum balance requirement for each account is shown above. Minimum balance requirements may include a minimum opening deposit and the minimum balance that you must maintain each day to earn the stated dividend for that account.

  • Accrual of Dividends:
    Dividends will begin to accrue on the business day that you make the deposit.
  • Average Daily Balance Computation:

    The Average Daily Balance Method applies a periodic rate to the average daily balance in the account for the period. It is calculated by adding the balance in the account for each day of the period and dividing that figure by the number of days in the period.

  • Certificate Account Maturity:

    Your account will mature at the end of the term.

  • Certificate Account Renewal Policy:

    Unless you instruct us otherwise, your Certificate Account will automatically renew at maturity. You have seven (7) days after the maturity date to withdraw or transfer the funds without incurring an early withdrawal penalty.

  • Certificate Account Early Withdrawal Penalties:

    A penalty will be imposed for withdrawals prior to the maturity date that may reduce principal. Terms less than twelve (12) months the penalty amount will equal 30 days’ dividends. Terms twelve (12) months or greater the penalty amount will equal 90 days’ of dividends.

  • Golden Eagle Accountholders:

    Golden Eagle Members must maintain a minimum of $10,000 within their deposit accounts. (membership savings, club savings, certificates or IRAs)

  • Fees & Charges:

    See our Fee Schedule for a list of fees and charges that may be assessed against your account.

Miami Lakes

Phone: (305) 821-7060
Fax:     (305) 819-8072


Phone: (305) 821-7060
Fax:     (305) 418-4922

Mercy Hospital

Phone: (305) 821-7060
Fax:     (877) 233-6283

Puerto Rico

(305) 821-7060 ext. 8799
(800) 426-3556
(877) 213-2954 Fax

Shared Branch Locations

We do business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law and Equal Credit Opportunity Act.

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